Hours: Tues – Sat: 12 – 5 pm | Sun, Mon, & Holidays: CLOSED
Contact: agscprograms@swiftcurrent.ca / 306.778.2736
Artist Marsha Schuld of Rush Lake, SK works in a variety of media including painting, needlework, stained glass and printmaking to document, celebrate and draw attention to the wonderful birds we have in Saskatchewan. The artist is concerned about the loss of birds and habitat due to human effect. We take these beautiful creatures for granted but the way we live, and work endangers the way they live and where.
Marsha Schuld became an artist through independent research and practice for the past 30 years. She has Orange Tree Studio on her farm near Rush Lake SK. Marsha has exhibited extensively and has worked in corporate, private and public collections internationally.
Publication with essay by prairie naturalist Trevor Herriot.
Organized by AGSC with curator, Kim Houghtaling
At AGSC November 9, 2019, to January 4, 2020